Monday, July 18, 2011

Welcome to visit us~ =)

Here i come back again~ weeee~ =)
i feel better now... [even still have some emo =/ ]
okay, forget it~

Busy with some small business this recently~
Yes, i got a new business again,
but this time are doings together with my beloved partner,Ms.Mary...[also known as Ms.Ellevi xD]
Its a cloth printing business~
we design and do the printing jobs on cloth,
for sure, we also welcome any request in design too!
Welcome to visit us yea~ =)

M&M CreativeBoutique

and here my another online shop,
where selling some pre-order closet, and ready stock contact lens~ =)

XT Lens House

I had create a page for me sharing something interested~
do come and take a look too yea~ =)
